Monday, July 30, 2012

So Happy...

I only have a few moments but wanted to tell you I am so happy!  Wonderful friends, Rick and Barbara Jones, spent several days with me last week.  Barbara and I have been friends since we were 15 (so that's about 10 years!  Ha! Ha!).  We talked and laughed and cried about everything.  We reminded each other of fabulous great moments we shared over the years.  What a special time together.  Barbara and I were so blessed to marry men who became wonderful friends too.  They left last Thursday and on Friday afternoon, Libby arrived!!!!  YEA!!!!!

I hadn't seen Libby since March.  Her friend Tim came too as well as Daniel, Hannah, and Adam.  Isaac was not able to come due to summer work schedule.  So sorry to not have him here.  My favorite thing in the whole world continues to be having all my children and their families together.  Emily and Libby discussed having a contest to see who could scream the loudest (Emily ALWAYS used to win). I suggested they avoid the contest due to my neighbors, I do have to live here!  They also argued over who used to take better care of little brother, TR.  He was not offered an opinion!

We have talked and talked and talked and laughed and laughed and laughed!  A few tears have escaped from time to time too.  I'll write more later but just wanted you to know I'm so happy!

Continuing to pray for so many.  You know who you are!  I love you!  xxoo

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Memories Being Made...

Summer is flying by and I have enjoyed helping to chaperone and chauffeur Garrett and Gracie.  I mentioned in an earlier blog I had been shooting at the Sportsman Club and had a great time.  Well, I joined the club and yesterday Garrett and I went shooting.  Garrett has several of HC's guns he is learning to understand and use.  I am very nervous as yet but know the more we go, the more relaxed I will become.  Although, I don't want to get too relaxed as I must remain focused while we are there.  Garrett did a great job shooting and also "sighted" a rifle.  (Don't ask me, I just watched!)  Garrett is 14 and will be playing on the 9th grade football team this fall.  He goes to the high school weight room 4 evenings a week to work out.  He also works 20 hours a week at their store, keeps the grass mowed at the store and at home, is a pretty good golfer, and helps his Mom and Dad with other chores around the farm.  They have 2 huge gardens, 5 goats, Garrett and Brett (his Dad) have designed a golf green and are waiting for the grass to grow, and are adding a long range shooting area.  (Not to mention the two antique cars waiting in the pole barn for restoration!)

The good news is the candy/ice cream store has been very busy this summer and either Emily or Brett and sometimes both of them are always there.   They have had several weddings this summer and have a beautiful satin-bowed box they fill with Brett's chocolates for the gift to the wedding guests.  Something is always going on and for that they are very grateful.  Gracie is 10 and not yet allowed to work in the store.  So very often, when the rest of the family is working, she is visiting with me.  Emily had to work two mornings this week so I got to take Gracie to Gaylord (about 30 miles south on I-75) to her swim lessons.

This morning when I picked her up, she got in the car wearing a huge smile and very excited and said to me, "Guess what Jo?"  I said no clue so she told me her Dad told her he was going to put her "on the schedule" next summer.  I asked "schedule for what?"  She said "working at the store.  I'm going to get to work and earn money!"  (Dear Lord, please let her always be excited to work!)  Anyway, she cannot wait to be behind the counter and dip ice cream cones, make sundaes, milk shakes, malts, brown cows and everything else on the menu!  You all know I'm writing this so that I may remind her in summers to come how excited she was to begin this part of her life.  Now you all can remind her too!  Anyway, after her swim lesson, she and I went....drumroll please...SHOPPING!  One of our favorite stores is in Gaylord and Emily hates going there so it's a real treat when Gracie and I go to T. J. Max!  We can spend hours there looking at everything trying to decide if we need it!  We also know our shopping isn't always about "need" but rather "want"!  We made a mistake and got a cart!!!!!  It's the kiss of death for shoppers.  We always go to the shoe department because Gracie has finally grown into (sort of) a 5 1/2 size women's shoe.  And Jessica Simpson had several pairs there, all with 5 inch heels.  She tried on each one!  Gracie told me her mother said she could wear heels when she was eleven, and I told her I didn't think that's what her mother had in mind!  But anyway we had a wonderful time.  We also stopped at Bath and Body Works.  Gracie had a coupon for a free gift AND a gift card!!!!!  Decisions, decisions!  I believe we now own every summer-scented hand sanitizer they sell.  And not once did she say her most famous shopping line..."Jo, can I borrow some money from you?  I left my purse in the car.  I'll pay you back!"  Can I hear an "AMEN" from you for every time we've heard that line?  We made it back to Indian River around 2:30 so we could go to the Farmer's Market, open Wednesday's from 2-6pm, Saturday's, 9-1pm.  No more Michigan strawberries, but now we have Michigan blueberries and raspberries, corn and potatoes.  No home-grown tomatoes yet.  There is also a woman there who makes the most delicious breads, cookies and jams.  Had to visit her!  I got Gracie home by 4pm as requested by her mother!  She thanked me, hugged and kissed me, gathered her purchases and ran into her home.  I don't go in so I can avoid the looks Emily gives me about the things we buy.  Today's most special purchases were from T.J. Max and included a pair of maroon velvet flats on sale for $5.99 and too large for Gracie, but she assures me she will grow into them and until then she can wear them as bedroom slippers AND a black sequin tank top (in her size) she said she will wear under another top!  Now for those of you who know Emily, maroon velvet flats and black sequin tank tops will cause the old raised eyebrows and the comment "why did Jo buy that for you?"  (Kindly refer to the "want" statement above!)

Someone asked me the other day if I was going on vacation this summer.  I told them I was on vacation every day!  My summer has been great.  A few friends and family have already been up.  Dear, dear friends, Barbara and Rick Jones will arrive Sunday till Thursday, Friday will bring Libby and kids, and Aug 13 I'll have my sisters and cousin Mike from Nashville, TN.  Then a surprise few hours on a Saturday morning with Tim and Pat Nickel as they pass through this area (who passes through this area?????).  Cannot wait!  Then after a brief lull in the action, I will have my October "Christy's" and Kathy and Buddy Howells from Harrodsburg.  There's still time for you!  I promise you won't have to go to T.J. Max!  xxoo                    

Monday, July 9, 2012

Windows and Wishes

Living in a house that was built in 1854 includes lots of charm and lots of trouble!  My focus this week is windows.  Nearly every window in the house has been painted shut 200 times and each window that is open is held open with a stick as all the window weights are broken.  I decided that I would work on replacing them a few at a time ($$$$).  So this morning, I met with Al, a wonderful young man and he measured 3 kitchen windows as our start.  These windows are over my kitchen sink and open to the summer back porch (not heated).  I have managed to get one of them open so a delightful breeze comes into the kitchen.  BUT...I want all of them to open.  So begins the window replacement process.

Al was very nice and polite and friendly but I could just feel he was distracted somehow.  I finally asked him if he was all right.   He said sadly no, that he was worried about someone.  I said who?  In the course of our conversation, he told me that he has spent 25 years in the navy and now the reserves and his rank was Master something (I didn't quite get that) and he was in charge of many naval reservists who were deployed last Saturday.  (The whole time he is telling me this, I'm thinking of my dear friend Dave Stancil.)  Anyway, they are a construction group and Al has been to Iraq twice teaching the people to make bricks and build schools, hospitals, etc.  He said one of the people to be deployed didn't show up.  As a result of his "no-show", Al had to issue a warrant for this person's arrest.  Al has tried to call the phone number and received no response.  He began to ask around and discovered when this person returned from his previous deployment, he was unable to find work, his wife has been diagnosed with cancer, and they are living in a car.  He said if this person had just called him, he would have helped him any way he could, found housing for him, and taken him off of this deployment list.  But now, he's going to be arrested.  I asked Al if he would tell me this person's first name, I would pray for him and Al too as he will end up being the "bad guy".  Al struggled to remember his first name and couldn't as he only knew him as Petty Officer "C".  Al was touched and relieved to know that I would pray for both of them.  Al said that's what Petty Officer "C" needs right now...prayers.  I now ask each of you to add Petty Officer "C" to your prayer list.

The world is full of so many people needing our prayers.  It's such a small and easy thing for us to do.  And the wonderful thought for me is I know you all pray!  Isn't that glorious?  I'll see Al again when the windows arrive and are installed so I'll keep you informed about Petty Officer "C".

Oh, and by the way, the high here today will be 79 and NO humidity.  Stay cool !  xxoo                

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Annual TDA Meeting

TDA = Topinabee Development Association
The annual meeting was help today under the pavilion "downtown".  In the past months I have lived here, I have been attending the Library Committee meetings, and I helped with the "clean-up" day.  The work, of course, is never done but we have received a grant that is matched by additional government funds and construction will begin this fall or next spring adding to the park.  The park is really lovely.  There are two docks extending out into Mullet Lake.  One is for docking your boat and the other is for swimmers.  The park has a swing area for the children and public bathrooms.  The landscaping is lovely and the entire area is very well maintained.  As the meeting drew to a close, no additional questions or comments were received so we were adjourned until next year.  Now the fun begins!  My invitation to the annual meeting included the instructions to bring a chair, an appetizer to share and your own beverages!  I was thrilled to meet more of my neighbors and visit again with others I have already come to know and enjoy.  This is the first time I have ever lived in a small (very) community and it's incredibly fun! A well-known local personality entertained after the meeting.  (It's funny because he's the Supervisor (kinda like the mayor) of Indian River and spends his days being "political" and on his days off, sings and plays his guitar.  Another "small" community plus!)

The 4th of July week has been full of events.  I had an especially great time visiting with HC's sister, Jenna and her husband Stan who came up for a visit.  It had been some time since I had talked about HC for any length of time and I enjoyed the re-telling of many stories.  They loved Topinabee and the surrounding areas, my new home, and of course, the candy store.  I have eaten more ice cream in the past 4 days than the entire summer.  I so wish you would all come up!

My heart has been heavy the past several days with the death of JoAnn Porter.  She was a sweet, sweet spirit and I have been praying for Terri and the family.  Then to hear Terri's father has died also.  What a burden to bear.  It's at these times I so wish I were back in the SMBC community.  I totally trust you all are picking up my slack.  Please, please do it for me.

One final note tonight...I have just finished reading a book called Same Kind of Different as Me.  It is a true story written by Ron Hall and Denver Moore.  If you are looking for a challenging as well as inspirational "read", get to the bookstore and buy this book.  It hurts your heart, lifts your heart, hurts your heart again, then heals it.  There is good in people and in the world.  Maybe you've already read it and if so, recommend it to someone else.  We all are in need of learning more of God's saving GRACE.

Happy Dreams to all, JB


Wednesday, July 4, 2012

So Thankful...

for our Soldiers and their families wherever they are!  They are the reason we can celebrate today!

for Jo Ann Porter who is now livin' with the Lord!  She was an incredible inspiration to me and many others.  I will miss her on this earth.

for doctors and nurses taking care of my bull-ridin' cowgirl friend, Sarah.

for my sister-in-law, Jenna (HC's sister) who with her wonderful husband, Stan, will arrive tomorrow to visit me!!!!!!!

for my children and grandchildren who always make me smile!

for my sisters who always have my back!

for Andy Griffith.  All of us have lost a friend!

for Ron, Nelson, and William who made it safely to Cousin Camp...ON THEIR BICYCLES...IN MISSISSIPPI...FROM LOUISVILLE!!!!!!!!!!!

and most importantly for Jesus Christ!!!!!!!

And so much more.

Haven't written in a while because I've been busy doing all sorts of things!  I've met quite a few new people who are "up" for the summer.  It's not been in the 100's but it has been warm.  I believe I talked about having an A/C person come and give me a price for installing central air.  Not gonna' happen but the window units are working very well.  Don't use them every night but when needed, they do the job.

I went shooting.  Now there's a surprise, right?  I new friend joined the Gun Club ($15 per year!!!) and asked me to go shooting with her.  I had not even held a gun in over 20 years so I thought, why not?  TR was kind enough to put together a hand gun w/case and ammo and off I went.  Boy, it's been a while.  The only way I knew I missed the target was when the sand around it exploded!!!!  I think I'll join the club and go more often.

Last week Gracie attended the Young Americans camp.  She had a blast and learned all sorts of new things.  (She now is professional at handling the microphone!!!!  Watch out world!)  Anyway, they had a terrific performance last Sunday.  The Young Americans perform all summer up here at one of the ski resorts.  Have seen them several times and they are wonderful.

Garrett is working out and lifting weights at the football facility on the high school campus.  He'll play JV football this fall (they actually have games in August).

Good friends are coming for a visit later this month and Libby and kiddos will arrive the 27th!  Can't wait to see them.  After Libby, my sisters and cousin Mike from Nashville will be here.  In October, the "Christys" will visit - their 3rd annual!!!!! followed by good friend "Withers" and hubby!  I still have dates on the calendar open.  When are you coming?

Quite by accident I found the Farm Chicks Antique Show on YouTube.  It's held the first of June each year in Spokane, WA.  Has anyone ever been?  Oh my gosh, you've got to see it.  I'm thinking about going next year, June 1/2, 2013.  Hoping my sisters are interested?  Any other "sisters" interested?  It's a junk festival!  A few names of vendors - Forget-Me-Not Dreams, A Thing for Roses, Funky Junk.  Check it out and let me know who wants to go!

Enjoyed the 4th of July parade in downtown Indian River this morning.  Watched it in front of the candy store and of course, just had to go into the store and have some ice cream.  My newest favorite flavor this summer is Peanut Butter Moose Tracks!!!!!!!  Triple YUM!

Spent the afternoon getting ready for tomorrow's guests.  Made chicken salad and a lemonade pie!  Sampled the filling and it's DELISH!!!!!!!!  Hope all of you had a wonderful day.  xxoo