OK - I went back to knitting classes and this time we began a scarf! Finally, what I wanted to do. It's a 3 week class and hopefully I will be done with it by then. It's the casting on that drives me crazy. The first square (for lack of a better word) is regular knitting, then comes pearl, then comes something else and so on until 6 squares are done. There are 3 of us in the class and the other two got to the pearl stage but not me!!!!! Still trying to figure out the regular knitting part. I'm very frustrated as I have no patience and failure is not an option (I might have to change my thinking on that). Anyway, it's going to be a scarf for TR Baker. It's red, black and dark grey. I hope he likes it. And I haven't finished Madeline's dishcloth yet, but I will!!!!!!! The wonderful person teaching really works hard to encourage me. Last night I think she felt sorry for me and tried to sneak a finished dishcloth into my bag. I saw her do it and told her I couldn't accept it and she said of course I could. Then I told her I wouldn't be able to take it into my home because it was yellow! (I don't do yellow anywhere, anytime, anyplace!) I don't think she quite understood that but she continued to be kind and gracious while removing it from my bag. This knitting thing has become more of a challenge than I ever expected!
Last week was wonderful, so wonderful that I'm sort of sad this week. Can't anyone come and play with me? My dear friend Barbara J, will be visiting me early November hopefully. I must share with you something that Kristi wrote to me in an e-mail. I just love it and I think it says what all of us often want to say. She wrote...
"There's not much more energizing than a couple of long, full days with good sport/best friends. It lingers well with me."
Don't you love that? And it lingers well with me too!
Last night after knitting class, I sat down and tried to watch the presidential debates. "Tried" and it wasn't easy. I finally had to do something else...anything at all that would get me away from those arguing, smug, contradicting children. That's what they seemed like to me. I love reading the fb comments of those who watched. Most of my fb friends feel the same way and we're all good people! What is our world coming to? And then I always have to throw in who wants to be the President anyway. I swear, I honestly believe some of us taxpayers (me and my friends) could do a better job of running the country than the options we have available to us!
We have spent years and years not buying things unless we had the money to pay for them!
We have spent years and years working hard to live on the money we earn and pay our bills at the same time.
We have spent years and years hoping our medical insurance will cover the expenses we incur (and I was married to the insurance man!).
We have spent years and years trying to save enough money to be able to "retire" and continue to survive.
We pray to God and trust in Him to guide us. Well, I'm hoping He speaks to me about this election! I need His help!
Ok, enough of that soapbox!
Did I tell you Gracie and I are having a Halloween Costume Party? It's Sunday, October 28, 4-7pm! Each of you is invited and we'd love to see you. We'll be bobbing for apples, eating donuts hanging by a string, and putting our hands in bowls of icky stuff for a game we call gooey guesses! The food will be wonderful, very spooky and of course, prizes for the best costumes! Everything is nearly ready and this weekend Gracie and I will plan the food. Those of you who used to be in the Hannah Sunday School Class will remember a Halloween Party HC Baker and I had at our Cherokee Road home. There was a big crowd and lots of laughter. I have photos from that evening and still love to look at them. I'll have new photos to share soon!
Sweet dreams to each of you.
Please continue to pray for Pat. xxoo