but where to start?
I have my 2015 list of things to accomplish and I like everything on it, but I'm confused. As I prioritize, things are not in the order I want them to be. I can't do this one until I have completed that one, but I want to be "there" instead of "here". I want to bypass those "things" and jump to "these" things. So here I am. I read a saying somewhere that said "you know all those things you've been waiting to do in your life? Well, do them!" And there's that wonderful line from a Mary Oliver poem that asks the question "Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?" Well, needless to say I have learned in the past five years just how precious life is and by many or most people's standards I can also answer to the "wild" part!
(The past five years "side bar" - In 2010, 2011 and most of 2012, I honestly thought I might never again have a heart filled with love. Yes, of course, our hearts are always full of love for our children and grand children and families and friends, but to also have your heart full of love for yourself and your life, well, that's a different part of your heart. It's a lonely hole. It's sad and cold. It leaves you aching. I do know there are many who cannot and do not recover from this but I also know if you trust in the Lord, He WILL take care of you and lead you through. I am in full recovery mode trusting in the Lord and He is filling my heart again.)
Back to the "wild" part! I've decided I must get a job, a full time job where I will be able to share my experience with others and find purpose. My brain needs to focus on something that will keep me learning! So let me tell you this story. I interviewed with a new, soon to open local hotel in downtown Louisville. I did my homework and prepared for the interview. I was interested in a position in the sales office. The interview went great, I liked the people, met those who had already joined the team, and I left feeling positive. I was told I would hear from them by the middle of the next week. Well, that time came and went without a call. So a few days later, I sent an e-mail asking if any decision had been made yet. I received a response Christmas morning. Yes, they would love to offer me not one, but two positions...restaurant hostess or bartender!!!!!!!!!!! I reread it to make sure I was not having some kind of brain lapse. Bartender, REALLY???????? WOW! Can you imagine the impact a 67 year old widow would have on sales in an upscale hotel bar????? So there's the story of my first interview. The good news is the next will have to be better don't you think? Note: I was impressed with the interviewer. My mistake!
I worked during the Christmas shopping season at A Taste of Kentucky in Middletown. I had a blast and got to meet new people and see old friends. I had forgotten what is was like to stand on your feet for eight hours! WOW, not an easy task. But so happy to have had the opportunity!
My December was difficult. I never went to church throughout the entire Christmas season. Why? Just didn't seem to have the courage. And I so love the Christmas Eve service, but when the candle lighting/Silent Night part begins, I fall apart. And then for the first Sunday in January I had volunteered to provide the flowers for the sanctuary in memory of HC Baker. His birthday was January 9th. I talked to my wonderful friend and florist and shared with him what I wanted. Knowing he would do a fabulous arrangement, I told myself I would go to church on that Sunday (yesterday). As the day got closer, I realized I wouldn't be able to go that day either. So Saturday, I stopped by his shop, Panache, and saw the flowers. They were so beautiful, fresh and fragrant. I hoped all who saw them loved them. HC Baker would have been 68 years old on Friday. Happy Birthday to him! Will miss you always!
I had a lovely Christmas Eve with Handsome Fella'. ( He also gave me this new "tablet" I'm writing on right now! It's amazing except the keyboard and the "touch" are quite different from my laptop. Adjusting and getting the hang of it!) I spent a wonderful Christmas day with daughter Libby and her wonderful family. Absolutely fabulous food and fellowship. It was the first Christmas I had spent with them in five years. And guess what? When all of your grandchildren have jobs, you get a gift from each of them!!!!! And they remembered my favorite things, all things peach and exciting nail colors! Perfect day filled with love.
Still planning to move into my new place by the first of February. Wish all that was over! It will be my fifth move in five years. GOT TO SETTLE!!!!! It confuses me so can you imagine how Nutty and Maggie feel?
My 2 word phrase for 2015 is excited anticipation! Can't wait to see what the new year will bring for each of us. I'm especially awaiting the excited anticipation of meeting my new grand daughter in early March!!!
My one word reflection of 2014 is GRATEFUL! Most importantly Grateful to the Lord, Grateful for good news for my wonderful friends, Madeline and Cinda, Grateful for my dear friend Christy now settled in her new home, Grateful to my family for their continuous support and Grateful for good, Christian friends especially Handsome Fella' who has wonderful listening ears, broad shoulders for leaning, strong hands for holding, and a sense of humor to keep me laughing.
I wish for each of you the happiest and healthiest New Year with the Lord always by your side! He is, you know!