Sunday, June 10, 2012

Two Years

Two years ago on this morning I was counting the hours until HC Baker and I would leave on a much needed vacation.  We would head to our cottage in northern Michigan in the afternoon and enjoy a week of relaxation and grandkids!  When that day ended my life would be changed forever.

I was speaking with a new friend the other day and he had been involved in a serious automobile accident also, and we both agreed we could recount every second.  And I still can to this day.  It replays in my mind in slow motion like a movie.  I can even see the colors of this life-changing experience.  So often I can't remember the events of yesterday but I can tell you the song that was playing on the car radio.

And now here I am.  In the past two years I have retired, sold three houses, moved 600 miles away from my home for plenty of years, made a new home in a house that's over 150 years old, survived its' remodel, made new wonderful friends, miss old wonderful friends, grown closer to my son, grown closer to my Michigan grandchildren, miss my Louisville grandchildren, and the list continues goes on.

Did I make a mistake?  Have I made the right decisions?  If HC Baker is watching, what does he think?  And if he is able to affect my life, why isn't he making it easier?  And then I think maybe my life is supposed to be this way.  I can only accept that it is.

I continue to be blessed by the thoughts and prayers of so many.  I'm looking forward to visits this summer and fall from friends and family.  (So far, no one has braved the winter for a visit!)

This day will be filled with memories, but I'm just not sure which ones.  HC Baker can still be found on the bookshelf in the den and I've already had a conversation with him this morning.  I still feel sad and angry sometimes but I also still know he's so happy to be where he is.  And as beautiful as today is, he's probably already caught plenty of fish!  (I wonder if there's a limit?)

Two years...hardly seems possible.


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