Saturday, January 19, 2013

Watch Your Step!

Started the day very early by driving to Grayling, MI, about 60 miles south of Topinabee, for Gracie's basketball games.  (She was playing 4 this morning.)  She loves basketball and is pretty aggressive as well as a good team player.  These are 10 year-old girls.  They go to school together and have been together since kindergarten.  I know most of them from other activities - soccer, ballet, and many of them came to our Halloween party last fall.  Cute girls, all of them.  I don't know most of the parents and they don't know me. the final seconds of the second game were counting down, Gracie dribbled the ball down the court and stopped in front of the basket looking to pass the ball when an "unknown woman" sitting behind me began yelling "shoot the ball, shoot the ball. shoot the ball" and on and on with her voice getting louder and louder until she was screaming in my ear.  That's when I turned around and said "stop yelling at her.  She's a 10 year old child."  Well, that's when this "unknown woman" told me I must not know much about sports because you yell at the players all the time.  Everyone knows that!  (Oh boy!  I know Emily wants me to turn around and walk away, but I just can't!)  So I look her in the eye and tell her I am a former cheerleader and know quite a bit about what we in the south call cheering, not yelling.  And if she wants to know what I know about basketball, I tell her "I am from Louisville, Kentucky, and in case she hadn't heard, the University of Louisville is the number one ranked basketball team in the nation and U of L also won the Sugar Bowl...that's football!  I do know sports and how to behave at sporting events."  She said she would continue to yell and I'd better not sit near her.  I told her I would be glad to move away from rudeness.  ONLY THEN did I turn and walk away.  Emily, of course, had already moved to another section and did not speak to me for the next thirty minutes.  I'm sure she is still very upset that I exhibited my often dramatic, distinctive personality in a public place but when you or anyone else decides to act in a mean spirited way toward my loved ones, you have stepped over the line.  Do not mess with my grandchildren...EVER!  By the way, Gracie's team won three of their four games.  Here! Here!  (I also guess I'll not be invited to attend any of Gracie's future basketball games.  So glad I told that damn yankee off today.)

Now, what did you do today?

It has snowed every day this week and tonight the weather people have told us to expect an additional 8 inches.  My small part of the world is filled with snowmobilers and skiers enjoying the weather.  And next weekend is the Indian River Winterfest!  Ice fishing tournaments, snowmobile races, ice sculpting contests, and lots more.  Anyone available to come up?  Just remember...Baby, it's cold outside!

Enjoy your life!                  

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