Friday, November 15, 2013

Mad as a wet hen!

Not sure how mad a wet hen is, but I am sure I can top it!  OK, I admit I am 66 years old and probably not as tech savvy as I should be, but gimme a break!  My story begins 5 months ago.

I saw a "help wanted" ad in the local newspaper for a writer.  The company "looking" was the local newspaper, The Cheboygan Tribune.  Having been thinking about finding something to do, I thought this could be a great opportunity.  The ad requested a resume and samples of my writing.  Not a problem.  However, I did not have a current resume and was pretty sure my old resume did not present an updated approach.  I went on-line to find a "FREE" service to help me.  I found Live Career - Home of America's #1 Resume Builder.  I read through the website and saw "FREE" everywhere.  The website also promised to promote my resume to thousands of employers around the world.  I worked on my resume and put together one that had all the 2013 appropriate buzzwords and phrases used in today's workplace.  When I completed it, I tried to post it to my own computer so I could forward it to the newspaper along with my writing samples.  It wouldn't post.  So, I saw the link for a live chat, and believing my tech skills sufficient, I clicked it.  Someone immediately answered my "call".  I explained I didn't want my resume posted for 1000's to see, I only wanted to post it to my own personal computer.  Well, it turns out I am apparently selfish with my resume and consequently that would cost me $2.95.  I asked about the "free" part and it's only "free" if you allow Live Career to do what they want with it.  I decided I would exclude Live Career from my job hunting experience and spend the $2.95.  GET READY - HERE COMES THE REALLY BIG MISTAKE I MADE!  I put the $2.95 on my credit card.  It's a major credit card and linked to my personal checking account.  Believing all was right with the world, I clicked the "fine print" request (without reading it) agreeing to the terms of the website and went on with my life.  By the way...I sent the resume and writing samples to the newspaper and NEVER heard a word from them.  I even e-mailed the contact information listed in the ad and still didn't get a response.  I cancelled my subscription to the paper!  What's wrong with these people?  Idiots, that's what's wrong with them!

I do all my banking on-line (wondering about that now) and as I was reviewing charges, I saw a $34.95 charge from Live Career.  WHAT?????  As I continued to look, I saw they had been charging me $34.95 for months!  What for and how did they gain access to my checking account?  I called them immediately.  "Gabe" answered my call.  I don't know if Gabe was a man or a woman but I do know English was not his/her first language.  Needless to say that added more fuel to my fire!  After calmly (I promise) explaining the situation to Gabe, he/she checked my account (ACCOUNT??????) and told me after I completed my resume writing, I had 14 days to cancel my subscription!!!!  "Subscription to what" I asked.  The "service" he/she responded!  You need to know I'm still not screaming into the telephone, but the top of my head is about to blow off!  "What service?  I payed $2.95 to not use your service"!  Gabe said "I checked the box agreeing to their terms"!  Dammit to hell!!!!!!!!  I took a couple of deep breaths and then asked how they were able to access my checking account.  Gabe said my credit card was linked to it and that was something else I had agreed to.  Oh my!  So I asked how I could cancel this right now.  He/she said he/she could do that for me while I was on the telephone with him/her.  I then asked what the possibilities were for me to receive a credit for the previous months charges.  He/she said he/she would speak with their supervisor and find out.  Surprise - I'm put on hold.  A few minutes later Gabe came back on the line and said "Good News" (I swear!).  He/she would be able to credit my checking account with $25.80!  I said thank you and hung up.

I am clearly not as smart as I believe I am.
I will NEVER again not read the fine print.
I will stop using my checking account linked credit card on-line.
I will continue to use my HUGE influence to let the world know how awful I think Live Career is.  I
    did the same thing to Home Depot and everyone knows how effective that was!
I will continue to use all of you as my sounding board for my life as a poor retired widow woman on a
     fixed income.

I love all of you and thanks for listening.  The wet hen has dried off a bit!


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