Sunday, November 24, 2013

The Sounds of Winter

I has snowed continuously all day.  Don't know what the total for the weekend is, but we have several inches on the ground.  It's also freezing cold!  This is the time of year when the dogs get confused trying to find a place to use the bathroom.  All of their fall "markings" have been concealed by the snow, and they sniff all over looking for a familiar place.  That dog's life ain't so easy in the winter!

I was thinking today about the sounds of the seasons.  It's easy to recognize spring because you wake up in the morning to the sound of leaf blowers and lawn mowers getting the yards uncovered from the winter.  Summer sounds are all about boats and jet skis on the water.  Fall doesn't have a sound so much as it has a smell...leaves burning.  And now it's winter.  When you wake up in the morning, you can hear the highway department trucks plowing and salting or sanding the roads.  The other distinctive sound comes from the snowmobiles on the trail.  It must be easier and faster to get a snowmobile ready than it is to get a boat ready.  Everyone seems to be out today enjoying the snow.

It's Thanksgiving week and once the turkey and all the trimmings have been digested (hopefully) on Thursday, Friday is the day for the "lighting" of Indian River.  There's a huge craft show at the high school, all kinds of sporting events, and in the evening, the Christmas parade ending with the arrival of Santa.  If the weather permits, he will arrive on a dog sled.  It's all very festive.  Wish all of you could be here.  I do have plenty of room and looking at my calendar, do no have any guests scheduled.  The vacancy sign says YES!

Last night Gracie and I went to the Cheboygan Opera House for the Northland Players performance of "White Christmas".  My wonderful neighbor was one of the stars - actually she was THE star!  During the final singing of the title song, the audience was invited to join in the singing.  What fun we had!

So the season has begun!  I wish each of you a Thanksgiving to remember.  As one of the songs in "White Christmas" reminds us, count your blessings.  We all have so much to be thankful for and yet there are others who are struggling at this time of the year.  Their hearts may be heavy, their finances depleted, their homes cold or maybe destroyed during last week's tornado, or maybe they have health issues.  Several weeks ago one of my oldest, dearest friends told me her husband had been diagnosed with Stage 4 lymphoma.  We both cried and prayed his treatment would be successful.  I spoke with her last Thursday to check on her and her husband and as soon as she answered the phone, she began to cry.  Once she recovered she told me she had been to the doctor for help with fatigue, thinking it was due to taking care of her husband.  After lots of blood work and tests, she has been diagnosed with another form of cancer.  So on Tuesday's and Wednesday's, she drives her husband to chemo treatments and on Friday, he drives her to her treatments.  I ask your prayers for both of them and for all those suffering whatever pain is in their hearts.

Love to all of you and remember to count your blessings.  xxoo                

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