Wednesday, April 23, 2014

All's well that ends well...I think!

First of all, Maggie's surgery went very well and she is back with Nutty and me.  She's still a little unsure of her footing but was starving and ate what little I was told to give her.  They sent the tumor off (where exactly is "off"?) and we'll hear in a few days.  I also have some pain pills for her.  (What happens if people take doggie pain pills?)

Now back to the scene of the crime!

Last Thursday I survived yet another move BACK to Louisville, Kentucky, just in time for all the Derby festivities.  The movers arrived at 11:30am and finished around 5:30.  I made a bee-line for the kennel where the girls had spent the night, loaded them up, and headed south.  Got on the road close to 6pm and arrived at Hotel Christy at 2:15am.  When I arrived I was wearing a turtleneck, fleece vest, wool socks, my boots and had a coat on the seat beside me.  WHEW!  Came out of that fast!  It was a fabulous experience!  No snow, warm temperatures, trees budding (in the few short days I've been here, they now have leaves), blooming flowers everywhere, dogwoods and red buds absolutely glorious.  I have been sitting out by the pool!!!!!  Can you believe it?  There were a few difficult good-byes on moving day, especially TR Baker and Brett.  I seriously miss them but know they are both strong men and can survive without me!  Ha! Ha!

So here I am.  I "lazed" away Friday and most of Saturday.  Spent some time with my sister Linda and husband Bill and then had dinner at daughter Libby's home to celebrate my oldest grandson, Daniel's birthday.  He is now 23!  How did that happen?  Sunday I planned to attend the SONrise service at my church and actually got up to go.  Realized I just was not ready for that.  I had my own SONrise service out by the pool with the dogs and watched the sun rise.  Spent quite some time thanking God for so much!  I know all of you did too.  We are all very blessed.  Enjoyed Sunday brunch with Christy and her family.  Food and fellowship top notch.  Then Sunday night joined sisters Linda and Mary for dinner.

Monday began the errand day.  I took the dogs to our new Vet, Dr. Mary, because I saw that Maggie was growing something under her right front leg.  Dr. Mary said it needed to come off as quickly as possible.  She couldn't do it on Tuesday but could on Wednesday.  Oh my!  So I put that on my calendar.  Got a lot of running done on Monday.  Also found and tried out a close-by doggie daycare.  Not sure my girls liked it but the people were so lovely and received their new guests with open arms.  When I went to pick them up I was told they behaved so well and enjoyed playing with the other doggies.  I kinda doubt that but appreciated the compliments.

So Tuesday arrives with my moving truck from Michigan.  Since I don't have a home yet, the movers had to "move" my things from one trailer to another where they will be stored until my next homecoming!  Honestly, yesterday went on all too long!  And I was able to grab a few things off the moving truck and transfer to my car for spring use.  By the time I got home I was too tired to bring them into Christy's home (plus my "suite" looks as if a tornado ran through it!).  So this morning my car was still full of my "stuff".

Maggie had to be at the surgery office by 8am and could not eat anything for breakfast.  Nutty was going to doggie daycare and needed to eat breakfast.  So after I dropped off Maggie, I went to drop off Nutty.  Before I took her in, I parked over near the grassy area, took out her food bowl and fed her.  Also, since it was a little cool today and I was actually working today, I needed some sort of a jacket.  So while Nutty ate her breakfast, I was rummaging through the back of my car looking for a vest or jacket.  I was startled when a lovely older woman came up to me and asked if I was alright.  I turned to her and said yes I was fine.  How was she?  She then asked me if I was really alright.  Then it dawned on me, she thought I was a homeless person.  I laughed and explained why my dog was eating her breakfast in a parking lot and she laughed and said she was so relieved.  So started my morning!  I went on to work.  The vet called to tell me Maggie was out of surgery and doing fine.  I told them I would pick her up around 5pm.  So my workday continued - such a lovely day to be out!  Then around 4:30 I decided it was time for me to head out and get Maggie.  I cut across Goose Creek Road to Hwy 22.  Did not realize the speed limit was 35!!!!!!!  I was pulled over by a policeman and told I was going 47.  He asked for my license and proof of insurance.  I had both!  I told him I had just moved here last Thursday and my dog had surgery, and no, I didn't know the speed limit was 35 and I was very sorry.  He said I had 30 days to get a Kentucky license.  I said I know.  He asked what my new address was and I told him I didn't have an address just yet and was staying with my sister (didn't want to involve my friend Christy).  He said why don't you write down your sister's address, so I did.  Then he went back to his car.  I hollared at him to ask if this would take very long because I had to pick up my dog.  He didn't answer!  He came back to my car later and asked if he could ask me a question.  I said of course (can you say "no" to a police officer?) and he asked me if I was living in my car.  Lord help me!

So in the same day...
Twice mistaken for homeless (I didn't look all that bad!)
$158 speeding ticket (35mph is too slow)
Maggie's surgery - PRICELESS!

Tomorrow is another day!  Ain't that grand!
Love each and every one of you!  You fill my heart!

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