Tuesday, April 8, 2014


I really don't know where to begin.

After a really quick trip to Louisville, here I sit wondering exactly what to do.  I went to Louisville to see for the first time in person a house I was very interested it buying.  At first sight I really loved the outside look of it and upon entering, loved the way it felt to me.  Yes it needed LOTS of help, but I knew I was up to the task.  An inspector arrived, and we began a walk-thru.  When we went to the basement the nightmare began.  There was water leaking from the wall, running down the wall, and heading for an open hole in the concrete floor.  (I think it's time to tell you I really don't do basements even when they look great!)  In addition to that, the furnace had not been serviced since 1999 AND a "bug" man arrived and was finding termite damage (no evidence of current termites - REALLY?????) in the floor joists and the main beam!  HELP!!!!  Let me out of here.  I was told all this was certainly repairable.  Believe it or not, after several more hours I decided I would buy this house.  It had a great location, was the perfect size for me and I loved what I knew it could become.

I spent the next 24 hours working on solutions to these problems, met with the mortgage person, made the decision and headed back to Topinabee.  Just a little north of Fort Wayne my conscience got the better of me and I got off the interstate, pulled into a gas station and listened to my brain.  I had two men (HC Baker and a dear friend) screaming at me to think about what I was doing.  Was this right for me?  Was this the best investment of my money?  Could there be another house out there that was a better fit with fewer problems?  AND...SLOW DOWN!!!!!!  So I made a call, sent a text or two and instantly felt better.  I'm walking away from that house.

I think I was trying to make this fit to simplify my situation.  I wanted to have my movers empty my home, drive my things south, then deliver them to my new home.  Simple, yes!  The right thing for me, no!

So...here I am this morning.  I'm packing up my home.  TR Baker will move the last of his things this weekend.  My movers will come Thursday, 4/17 at 8am and load my belongings.  They will deliver them to storage on Tuesday, 4/22.  They've been stored before and will survive storage again.

I will sign the "selling" paperwork next Wednesday, move out on Thursday, clean out the door, spend the night with Emily, and drive south with Nutty and Maggie on Friday.  This has all happened so fast.  I'll stay with my dear friend Christy until after Derby (sister Linda's home is full of photographers in for Derby).  I need to think and pray about my next interim address.  I do have options and am grateful.  I hope within 1-3 months I will find the perfect home for me.

I am eager to return to Louisville and see and hug all of you.  I have been so blessed by your support and prayers.  I'm grateful I do have options and especially grateful for the voices in my head!
And yes, I still have LOTS of snow on the ground but tomorrow (Wednesday) the temperature might reach 50!!!!!!  There will be some serious melting going on!

Gotta' go!  More boxes to fill!  Happy Spring, Happy Tuesday, Happy Life!  xxoo  

1 comment:

  1. Wow! Thank you for those voices in our heads, right? I know you to be a smart, wise, competent woman. I would give anything to have one ounce of JoAnn Baker running through my blood. How courageous to slow down and make decisions that might make life "a little difficult" for awhile. But knowing you, I bet they won't be difficult for you and not for long. I am so thankful you followed your heart and made a decision to move back to Louisville!
    What is the saying(not biblical), probably more weather-related......it's always darkest before the sun shines? I am probably not correct and I certainly don't want to be glib, but I know if anybody can make it under "difficult circumstances"; I am putting those words in quotes because I don't even know if they are difficult for you, I just know they would be for someone like me, YOU-JoAnn Baker can make it through anything! I love you(truly) and cannot wait until you are settled in your Home Sweet Home!
