Sunday, July 6, 2014

Collecting Coupons!!!!

I admit several times over my "home making" years I have tried the "coupon" thing!  One time I even bought a colorful little hand held file for organizing them.  It just never worked out for me.  I'd be at the grocery and the coupons were home OR I'd have them with me, find the appropriate one only to realize at the check-out, my coupon had expired!  Most often I'd just forget.

So here I am now, a poor widow woman on a fixed income!  I was determined to make this "coupon" thing work.  First of all I had no idea you got so many coupons in the mail.  I must get these insert type things several times a week.  Don't believe I got them at my p.o. box up north.  The Postmistress must have "cleansed" my daily deliveries.  Anyway, I decided to go for it all!  I read EVERY piece of paper and cut-out (most often tear a straight edge along the kitchen counter) every coupon that could possibly benefit me.  Not only am I watching for grocery store coupons, but restaurants, oil changes for my car, and waiting hopefully for shoe store coupons!!!!

So last week I find three coupons for various dinner/entree/dollar off deals at Bob Evans.  Well today, Handsome Fella' asked me out for breakfast.  Once we were in the car and on our way, I suggest to him we go to Bob Evans because I have a coupon.  FYI...I checked before I left my place to make sure it had not expired.  It's good until July 31!!!!  I've got this!  The coupon reads buy one entree and get one free!!!!  Handsome Fella' laughs and tells me Bob Evans is fine.  We had a delicious breakfast and as always, great conversation.  Time to pay the bill.  I get the coupon out and am so proud of myself that I actually remembered to bring it!  NOTE - Handsome Fella' has never had any experience with any kind of coupon and has NEVER needed (or wanted) to use a coupon!  He leaves to pay the bill and comes back a few minutes with the coupon.  He points out to me that under the expiration date is a "condition" that this coupon is not to be used on Sundays!!!!  He said it's bad enough he offered the coupon but then to be told they couldn't accept it was a double "wammy"!  Now everyone behind him in line is questioning his intelligence!  I burst out laughing and so did he.

Just when I thought I was so smart, helpful and working hard to watch my budget, I discovered there's more to a coupon than an expiration date!  Doubtful I'll be able to share another coupon "windfall" with Handsome Fella'!!!

Laugh every day!  xxoo

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