Saturday, November 1, 2014


I have re-booted my laptop, my TV while talking to a recorded voice on the phone, and my bluetooth procedure in the car.  In October, I re-booted my life!  I decided not to wait until January, but to take action now.

I've told several people that if HC Baker hadn't been cremated and was buried in the ground, he would have rolled over in his grave so many times, he would have put himself on a rotisserie (always the efficiency expert)!

I started the month of October with a new job!!!!!  I'm working part-time at A Taste Of Kentucky in the Middletown store.  I have loved this store for years.  Anything and everything Kentucky!  It's the perfect place to find the perfect gift for yourself or others!  Please let me know when you'd like to come and visit, and I'll help you with ALL your Christmas stop shopping for everyone on your list.  And we wrap!!!!!  I'm having a great time with happy people!  Hope to see you there!

I made a quick trip to northern Michigan.  Remember every year I buy the indoor space in the press box.  Three years ago I signed a five-year contract to do this.  My contract ends next year when grandson Garrett is a senior.  I love football and there's nothing like a small town high school football game on a dark, chilly Friday night!  This year I even bought a sponsorship on the local radio station that broadcasts the games.  When I'm not there, I can listen to the "live streaming" of the game at my townhome in Louisville!!!!  When I told them I would buy a sponsorship they asked what I wanted to advertise.  I told them they just have to mention #75, Garrett Lindgren, every time he was a part of a play!  They've done pretty well.  It's incredibly exciting to be in Louisville, Kentucky, listening to my laptop and hear my grandson's name called as he tackles someone or recovers a fumble!!!!  But I did get to be in attendance for the homecoming game!  They won 45-13!!!  Great game!

Saturday morning was soccer time!  Gracie played two games and lost both, but we soothed our wounded souls with a great lunch and SHOPPING!!!!!  Gracie and I love to shop and we did our best to add to the northern Michigan economy!  Saturday night was a special treat as we were all together for dinner.  TR Baker, Danielle (showing the baby bump), Natalie and Oliver joined Emily, Brett, Garrett, Gracie and Brianne (Garrett's date for the Homecoming dance) and me for dinner at the Dam Site Inn, a favorite restaurant of ours.  Lots of laughing and happy conversations!  The only thing missing was Libby and her gang!'s the best!

Saw a few of the dear friends I made during my four-year "residency"!  Thank you to Kathy and Beverly and Boots for welcoming me back and sorry to others I just did not have time to visit.  Maybe next time I can stay longer!  I did drive by the grey house and was pleased and surprised I did not feel any heart stirrings.  I made the right decision.  It was time to return to Louisville.  (Oh and by the way, they had snow yesterday with more to come today!!!!  Yes, the right decision!)  I miss them all so much, but it was time.

I should mention I was thrilled to have a traveling companion for six hours up and six hours back!  My dear friend Christy traveled with me to Saugatuck where I dropped her off for a weekend with wonderful friends Kristi and Tom.  Thanks to them for lunch on the way up and brunch on the way back.  Enjoyed my very short visit with them.  And especially enjoyed Christy being with me.  The drive was so much nicer with a friend!  

Since I returned I have been working and also enjoying the beautiful Kentucky autumn.  A northern Michigan friend, Karen, spent a night with me on her journey to Florida for the winter!  Last weekend Handsome Fella' and I drove to Madison, Indiana, and had many moments when our breath caught in our throats at the beautiful colors!  Handsome Fella' spent a few teenage years in the Hanover/Madison area so our drive included memory visits to places and the home of a beloved grandfather.  Emotional, "releasing" and relaxing.  And on the way back, we stopped at Bray's Orchard, a memory for me.

Which brings me to last Tuesday night.  Just an ordinary Tuesday night for many of you but for was amazing!!!!  I saw Sir Paul McCartney, live and in person!!!!  Like some of you, I remember sitting on the floor in front of the TV quite a few years ago on a Sunday night watching the Ed Sullivan Show and seeing the Beatles for the first time.  When I think of all the life I have experienced since then, what fun to now, at this point in my life*, be able to say "I have seen Paul McCartney in person", well, that's just very cool!  Handsome Fella' and I had a great time. 

*Speaking of "at this point in my life", Handsome Fella' and I did discuss posting our concert photo on my FB page.  And it was a serious discussion.  We each have wonderful families and friends and our histories with them are very special to us.  Privacy is also important to us.  Never would we want our families and friends to be hurt in any way.  So that being said, thank you to all who "liked" and commented.  We enjoyed reading your words and feeling safe in your hearts.

Hope you can spend this first week of November beginning anew, counting your blessings.  And PRAY!!!  I should pray more because when I pray, I feel the closeness with the Lord I want to feel.  And He knows I know HE is the reason I have blessings to count!  Special prayers this week and counted as blessings to me are for dear friends.  First, Madeline, who has completed all her radiation treatments and can now move on to the next step.  Second, Cinda, who is doing well and recovering from her breast cancer surgery.  I saw them both this week and rejoiced at their smiles!  Many others I know are concerned with serious news they have received and are waiting for more information to help them with decisions that will need to be made.  The world is full of hurting people.  Please pray for them.  And don't forget to include our military and their families wherever they are serving.  The Lord loves us all.  Let us be worthy.  xxoo


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