Wednesday, July 4, 2012

So Thankful...

for our Soldiers and their families wherever they are!  They are the reason we can celebrate today!

for Jo Ann Porter who is now livin' with the Lord!  She was an incredible inspiration to me and many others.  I will miss her on this earth.

for doctors and nurses taking care of my bull-ridin' cowgirl friend, Sarah.

for my sister-in-law, Jenna (HC's sister) who with her wonderful husband, Stan, will arrive tomorrow to visit me!!!!!!!

for my children and grandchildren who always make me smile!

for my sisters who always have my back!

for Andy Griffith.  All of us have lost a friend!

for Ron, Nelson, and William who made it safely to Cousin Camp...ON THEIR BICYCLES...IN MISSISSIPPI...FROM LOUISVILLE!!!!!!!!!!!

and most importantly for Jesus Christ!!!!!!!

And so much more.

Haven't written in a while because I've been busy doing all sorts of things!  I've met quite a few new people who are "up" for the summer.  It's not been in the 100's but it has been warm.  I believe I talked about having an A/C person come and give me a price for installing central air.  Not gonna' happen but the window units are working very well.  Don't use them every night but when needed, they do the job.

I went shooting.  Now there's a surprise, right?  I new friend joined the Gun Club ($15 per year!!!) and asked me to go shooting with her.  I had not even held a gun in over 20 years so I thought, why not?  TR was kind enough to put together a hand gun w/case and ammo and off I went.  Boy, it's been a while.  The only way I knew I missed the target was when the sand around it exploded!!!!  I think I'll join the club and go more often.

Last week Gracie attended the Young Americans camp.  She had a blast and learned all sorts of new things.  (She now is professional at handling the microphone!!!!  Watch out world!)  Anyway, they had a terrific performance last Sunday.  The Young Americans perform all summer up here at one of the ski resorts.  Have seen them several times and they are wonderful.

Garrett is working out and lifting weights at the football facility on the high school campus.  He'll play JV football this fall (they actually have games in August).

Good friends are coming for a visit later this month and Libby and kiddos will arrive the 27th!  Can't wait to see them.  After Libby, my sisters and cousin Mike from Nashville will be here.  In October, the "Christys" will visit - their 3rd annual!!!!! followed by good friend "Withers" and hubby!  I still have dates on the calendar open.  When are you coming?

Quite by accident I found the Farm Chicks Antique Show on YouTube.  It's held the first of June each year in Spokane, WA.  Has anyone ever been?  Oh my gosh, you've got to see it.  I'm thinking about going next year, June 1/2, 2013.  Hoping my sisters are interested?  Any other "sisters" interested?  It's a junk festival!  A few names of vendors - Forget-Me-Not Dreams, A Thing for Roses, Funky Junk.  Check it out and let me know who wants to go!

Enjoyed the 4th of July parade in downtown Indian River this morning.  Watched it in front of the candy store and of course, just had to go into the store and have some ice cream.  My newest favorite flavor this summer is Peanut Butter Moose Tracks!!!!!!!  Triple YUM!

Spent the afternoon getting ready for tomorrow's guests.  Made chicken salad and a lemonade pie!  Sampled the filling and it's DELISH!!!!!!!!  Hope all of you had a wonderful day.  xxoo  


1 comment:

  1. JoAnn: Brandon Hill (now age 24) wants to come and join the gun club..since the fees are only $15 per year. Clubs here are $175-200 pr year...

    He has graduated from college and his master's....(criminal justice and public affairs) and has a job as a security guard while he applies for all the "real" jobs he can find. He owns his own gun now...and enjoys dreaming of owning others. Mama didn't used to put up with guns, but it's good to see him growing into a responsible young man. He's living at home and I'm enjoying having him around soooo much!

    I love reading what you write, JoAnn...thank you for sharing your heart and experiences!
    Jan and the NC Hills
