Monday, December 31, 2012

It's been a while...for a lot of things!

December 2012 has nearly knocked me down.

Yes, I had a lovely Christmas with my family in person and enjoyed many phone conversations with daughter Libby and her family and my sisters and their families far away, but through it all my heart ached.  The ache was always there, just underneath my happiness and gratefulness for my many blessings.

Dear, special friends lost loved ones this month.  Sam and her precious girls are forever without Abe.  He left us quietly and suddenly.  Cinda and her family lost her Dad.  He left us fighting the good fight.  He really was that Timex watch!  So many more of you have struggled with family members in and out of hospitals and rehabs.  So many prayers for so many people and that's what binds us all together.  But like many of you, Newtown, Connecticut, broke my heart.  I continue to pray for the entire town and especially the families who lost loved ones.  Those sweet little faces are forever imprinted upon my heart as well as the adults who gave their lives hoping to save others.  God bless them all.

God has been on Facebook a lot lately.  Have you noticed?  I'm not sure how I get these posts, what I did or "liked" or didn't "like" or became a friend with someone else but several times a day I receive posts from "GodVine", "Walk with Jesus", or "Let's join forces as Christians..."!  Do you get these too?  Someone will probably respond to this post and tell me the people behind these postings are in some far-reaching country baiting me to give them my social security or credit card number!  But I like these sites and the thoughts or the music they provide.  (Now someone reading this is thinking I'm some old and lonely woman with nothing to do!  Not so!)  I believe along with many of you that every time the Lord enters our lives, it's a good thing!  I hope he is always popping up in front of me...and you too!

And here we are on the eve of 2013.  Seems like just yesterday, it was the eve of 2011, and I was completely astounded I had survived 6 months without HC Baker.  And now I have survived 2011 and 2012!  As I reflect (oh boy!), I have made a few decisions that should have required a bit more thought, but all in all, I have survived.  My family has stood by me through it all (TR Baker literally some days), and made sure I landed on my feet.  Some friends have become dearer while others have drifted away.  And I have wonderful new friends.  Life goes on and it's only better or worse because of what we do.

I'm not much for "resolutions" but I do absolutely love to count my blessings.

I am grateful for my family.  Libby, Emily and TR Baker make my life happy.  I am blessed to watch them live their lives.  Brett Lindgren is the best son-in-law in the world!  And of course, I have the most perfect 6 grandchildren ever born!

I am grateful for my sisters, Linda and Mary.  They too are always looking out for me!  And I am excitedly grateful Linda is a cancer survivor!!!!  And their families are a blessing to me too...Bill, Joseph and Seamus!

I am grateful for terrific cousins who even though we do not see each other very often, we certainly do love each other.  When needed, just call and we'll get there!  

I am grateful I have amazing friends who are like family to me.  We are always praying for each other and each other's families.  We have weathered many storms and are in the midst of some of those storms right now.  And still praying!

I am grateful that regardless of our political affiliation, we all CAN AND MUST pray for our country and realize whatever happens we still live in the best country in the world.  We are FREE (even if it is expensive to be free - shut-up Jo Ann)!

And I am grateful the Lord blesses each of us every day.

I saw an interesting post on facebook the other day, and I'm gonna' do this.  The post suggested we start the new year with an empty jar and as the year progresses, we fill the jar with notes about the good things that happen to us throughout the year.  Just imagine this time next year...won't we be havin' fun?

I love each of you!  Happy New Year!  2013...come on down!  xxoo    


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