Sunday, December 9, 2012

What I Want for Christmas

It's simple...

I want President Obama and Senator Baynor to come to my home for a visit.  I have plenty of room for them to spend the night because I think we'll need more than a few hours to talk.  I'll be happy to cook for them while they sit in the kitchen and listen to me.  And I need them to explain to me why they can't compromise and avoid the cliff.  Have they not noticed the word "promise" in compromise?  We have all learned to compromise.  We do it with our spouse, our children, our friends, our supervisors, the people and companies we do business with everyday, and ourselves.  The only person we cannot compromise with is our God.  We know what he asks, what's expected of us, and we work hard to accomplish it.  We are his servants.  As elected officials, aren't President Obama and Senator Baynor our servants?  Don't we pay their salaries?  Don't they take orders from us?  I am comfortable as I speak for most of us...we are all afraid of the direction our country is headed, we are all afraid of the status of our families lives, we are all afraid for our children and grandchildren's futures, and the list goes on.  I know I'm not politically smart.  I know I don't understand how the stock market works.  I know I need to pay more attention to my own personal fiscal status.  But I do know I don't spend money I don't have!  I vote in the hopes of my voice being heard.  Unfortunately I really wonder if my vote makes a difference any more.  So here's what I am going to do.  I'm going to put a home made sign in my front yard today that says in huge letters PLEASE PRESIDENT OBAMA AND SENATOR BAYNOR!  I think everyone who passes by will understand.  I'm also going to post it on my fb "wall".  I have some friends who will understand.  I love the United States of America.  I am blessed to have been born in this country.  I am proud to be an American citizen.  The US Constitution is a very important document to me.  I honestly believe there are a lot of elected officials who have totally lost sight of our country's best interests.  This isn't about your political party or who won the election or personal egos.  It is what it is, we've got who we've got.  This is about people.  "We, the people".

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