Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Will it ever end?

I think sometime last week I made mention of the fact that the temperatures were warming up a bit and the big melt had begun.  WRONG!  It seems as if old man winter just can't let go.  We woke up Sunday morning to about 6 inches of new "powder".  And that's just what is looked like...powder.  The sun was shining and seeing the falling tiny flakes sparkling was so beautiful.  And when you picked up a handful, it fell through your fingers just like powder.  It really was lovely to see and for a moment I almost forgot it was more SNOW!  Well, yesterday evening it started again.  The forecast says it will snow through Wednesday with the possible accumulation of another 6-8 inches.  ENOUGH ALREADY!!!!!!!

January of 2011, I arrived in Michigan with one pair of really pretty boots.  To date, I have no idea where they are.  But I do know where my 2 pair of "good to 40 below zero" snow boots are as well as my 2 pair of rubber "muck"/rain boots.  What does that tell you about my life?  And where are they?  Inside the back door because Lord knows, you can't possibly go out without putting a pair on your feet, that is if you want to avoid an accident.  (I try to not say the word "fall" out loud for fear I'll be jinxed.  Isn't it funny how slipping and breaking a bone never enters your mind until you reach a certain age?  I don't say that "age" out loud either!)

Here's another sign winter has gone on too long.  For the past 5 or 6 years, in early fall I order a case of my favorite tea bags (because you can't buy them in a store anymore...go figure!).  A case includes nearly 200 tea bags and lasts me ALL winter.  I have ONE left!!!!!!  I have searched every handbag, coat pocket, piece of luggage I have used this winter, the car console, anywhere I could have possibly "stashed" a tea bag!  TO NO AVAIL!!!!!  I can't decide if I should just use it up today and be done with it or wait until tomorrow and drink it to celebrate the first day of SPRING!!!!!  This winter is going to reduce me to LIPTON!!!!!!  OH NOOOOOOOOOO!

Just spoke with my sister Linda and she told me the high in Louisville today was ONLY going to be about 48 and possibly waking up to a bit of snow tomorrow morning.  Boo Hoo!  And I'm tired of hearing about Rusty at the Taj Mahal!!!!!  I hope it's hot and you are sweating!  I can barely get out of the driveway!  If you don't hear from me in a few days, send out the St. Bernard and "he" better be packin' the good stuff!



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