Thursday, October 10, 2013


Well, I've been been trying to avoid my soapbox for a while, but I couldn't let this one go by without comment!  It's tough to write because you know HC Baker was the insurance man and he was as honest as the day is long.  But I have to keep in mind he was the insurance MAN, not the insurance COMPANY!  Yes, this is truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth so help me God!

I've talked before about my up north doctor.  He's wonderful and I love him!  Remember, his grandparents were from eastern Kentucky and he would spend his summers not far from Lynch running all over their farm.  This is NOT about him.

Today - October 10, 2013 - I received a bill in the mail for $25 from the McLaren Medical Group, the company that owns the 2 closest hospitals and my doctor's office.  I thought to myself...I haven't been to the doctor in months.  I looked the bill over very carefully and see this is a bill for a visit on - June 25, 2012 - 15 months ago.  Here it goes...I dialed the number!

The phone rings and I am told the caller volume is exceptionally high today so please leave a message and they will call me right back or if I choose to hold, the wait could be longer than expected.  Two questions - How can they call me right back when they're so busy and how long is longer than expected?  I "hold" and put the timer on!  The phone music is so loud I'm tempted to put the phone in the other room!  (It's apparent they never call themselves or they would turn that music down!)  Not a long wait 'cause in a minute and 22 seconds Marian (not her real name) asks how she can help me!  I'm very pleasant (really, I promise) and tell her about the bill.  I also questioned her as to why an office visit made over 15 months ago was just now coming to my bank account's attention.  She says many times it might take MEDICARE that long to make the payment.  (Next time I owe money on my income taxes, I'm going to take 15 months to pay it!  Think that'll work?)  Anyway, back to my $25 debt.  I told her it sounds like a co-payment wasn't recorded because $25 is my co-payment and how many times do you get to see the doctor before you give them your money?  I look at the bill and give her what is called the "Plus Acct #", and she asks for my address and birthdate.  She says let me look at this.  She says she thinks I'm right.  She said it looks like they charged me a co-payment twice.  She says she will send this down to the coding office and they will review it and call me with any questions.  I asked her if she had my phone number and she said yes.  (Knew I should have left that blank!)  Anyway, she said don't pay the bill.  I'm very happy.  I am right and I am $25 richer!!!

Get ready...the other shoe is about to drop!

About 20 minutes later my phone rings.  I almost don't answer it because it says "No caller ID", a label I'm always wary of, but what the hey?????  My day is going great, the sun is shining, and I have $25 in my pocket!  After I say "Hello, this is Jo Ann Baker" the voice on the other end asked "is this Jo Ann Baker?"  Seriously?????  This "voice" needs to work on her listening skills!  She is Susan (not her real name), and she says she is calling to explain the bill in question.  I'm not liking the sound of her voice.  She proceeds to explain to me that yes, she sees I made the $25 co-pay but I had a procedure done and the insurance company determined that required another co-pay.  (The procedure involved Dr. Everett spraying that cold burning stuff in the stainless steel canister on a mole on my forearm.  It happened while I was there for an office visit for something else and the procedure took all of 5 seconds.  Dr. Everett turned his upper body toward the counter, lifted the canister, pointed it toward my arm and sprayed.  5 seconds at most!)  Now keep in mind, I drove to the doctor's office, went in, signed the sheet, gave them $25, and sat down to wait.  The wait is never long there.  Once I am called back to see the doctor (for what I don't even remember - probably a refill on my allergy meds) and we talk and I ask him if he can get rid of a mole, he looks at it, made the upper body turn, lifted the canister, etc, etc, etc!

Somebody H E L P!!!!!!!!!!!  And in this government shut down, please include the medicare workers because all they do is sit in their offices and think up crap to "piss-off" (sorry!) those of us who have reached the "golden years"!  I said it once and I'll say it again...getting older ain't for sissies!!

By the way, I told Susan (not her real name) to make a note in my file.  I'M NOT PAYING THAT $25!  I told her to have the head of Medicare to call me.   Who is that anyway?????  I am now on a personal mission to find out and give them a call!

Happy Trials to YOU!   (Miss Terri - I meant to use that word!)

Love to everyone!!!!  xxoo

Prayers needed for...
EE and CH
Friend Trish
Safe travels for...
C and G returning from Rome
T returning from London
J traveling to Dublin
C and K traveling to Topinabee to see ME!!!!!!!

Just so you know I am now officially off my soap box but also just so you insides are still on a roller coaster!  DANG!        


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