Wednesday, October 2, 2013

October - Already?

How can it be October already?  Wasn't is just Easter and summer vacation?  I'm really not ready for what's coming next.  I've heard that the number of acorns falling to the ground is an accurate indication of how hard the winter will be.  Well, let me tell you that my yard is covered in acorns...tons more than last fall.  Oh no!  And last winter went on F O R E V E R!  Will this one be worse?  And why am I worrying about this?  There's not a thing I can do...except worry!

I've been "footballing" every chance I can.  This Thursday, Garrett and the JV team will play Alpena at Alpena.  Last week Cheboygan JV lost to Petoskey.  It was a rough game.  One Cheboygan player received a broken arm and another a concussion.  This football stuff ain't for sissies!  Friday night is Homecoming at Cheboygan High School.  There'll be a parade before the game (taking on Alpena) and then the half time crowning of the Homecoming Queen!  Remember those days?  The weather forecast says rain but remember, I'm in my press box!  Go Chiefs!!!!!

New dog Maggie is doing very well.  She and Nutty are getting along great and I'm beginning to see less of Maggie's bones!  Her arthritis seems to be a bit better.  I guess those joint pills are helping.  I do have my favorite store, Lowe's, coming in the next few weeks (before the ground freezes!!!) to install a fence.  Maggie's "pointer" instincts are either gonna' pull my shoulder out of socket or give her whiplash, so I decided a fence was in order!

The fall colors are beautiful up here, and we have had wonderful sunshine the past few days.  Hope it lasts a while longer.

OK...I'm stalling for time because I've got a mess on my hands of my own creation.  Let's just say my brain is working overtime on a few decisions.  Just when I think I've got it resolved, something happens and I need to begin again.  And the more I worry about it, the more upset/concerned/frustrated/over-wrought I become!  I was reading a book this week and loved a particular paragraph that kind of describes what I'd like.  I'll paraphrase..The paragraph talks about how in a movie, when it's time for bad things to happen, the music changes.  I've always thought it would be really neat if real life came with a sound track.  It probably wouldn't change anything, but it would be nice.  Your thoughts?

TR Baker suffered a work-related injury on Monday night.  His finger was in the wrong place at the wrong time and the end of his left hand middle finger was ripped away.  He was taken to the ER where they said it was not good!  Yesterday he went to the doctor who said it was a worst case scenario and Friday he will see an orthopedic hand guy.  Oh my!

The good news is my friend Ray had a second procedure for a kidney stone and is doing well.  My friend Hub had a heart procedure and is now home concentrating on getting better.  I saw a picture of sweet Miss Roberta at church and she looked wonderful.  My sister Linda fell while on vacation in Telluride and now has a staple in the back of her head but home safe and (sort of) sound!

Hope you're enjoying the beautiful colors of fall!

Continued prayers for EE and CH, my friend Trish, and TR Baker's finger!  Please and thank you!


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