Tuesday, March 25, 2014

I have lost my mind!!!!!! (Have I used this title before?)

Well, this time it's absolutely true!  Without a doubt, I know it!

The people who bought my home placed an offer on it before they had even seen it.  I thought that was the craziest thing I had ever heard.  Why would anyone do that?  Are they nuts?  What kind of people are they?

Guess what?  I have just done the same thing!!!!  And I promised myself I was going to proceed with caution on my next home purchase.  (I do have a reputation for impulse buying!)  "Take your time and find the perfect home," said Jo Ann.  Apparently Jo Ann wasn't listening.

Today my friend and my real estate friend were riding around "looking" and found what they have described to me as a home with my name written all over it!  They looked at it, photographed it, sent the photos to me, and told me I had to make an offer...TODAY!  It's being sold "as is" in an estate that needs to be settled.  I listened to them and looked at the photos.  WOW!  It looks wonderful!  The kitchen and master bath have been completely remodeled to perfection, and those are the most expensive rooms to re-do.  I called my sister and told her to get in her car and go have a look.  I told her the home was unoccupied and to pull in the driveway, get out and walk around.  Look in the windows and tell me what you see.  She called back and said it looks terrific.  Her husband said so too.  Great house they said.

So here I sit, waiting for a contract to be e-mailed to me.  I'll need to print it, sign it, scan it (never done that before), and e-mail it back.  Also need to scan a copy of a check as my deposit.  Can this be happening to me?  If HC Baker were buried in the ground, he would not be rolling over in his grave but jumping up through the dirt!  He is, however, still in his box on a shelf in the den.  Should I go and tell him what I've done?  I sure could use his "smarts" right about now.  He was always able to help me through these crazy situations I seemed to attract.  He was the person who "fixed" my problems and made everything OK.  (I'm sure there were MANY times all he wanted to do was strangle me.)  Well, I'm on my own now and hope and pray I'm making the right decision.  If it's meant to be, it will happen.  I will then be able to cross the fourth goal off my list for 2014 - find a home in Louisville.

So here's my plan.  I will get in my car on Sunday or Monday, drive to Louisville, look at this home with an inspector, decide if it's for me, then drive back on Thursday.  I haven't told Nutty or Maggie yet, but they love a road trip!  And they should be able to get a "wiff" of their possible new home don't you think?

Someone told me tonight they thought my life was so exciting.  Is it or have I lost my mind?


1 comment:

  1. JoAnn,
    I am convinced this is the only way you roll. No you're not crazy!! Impulsive, yes, crazy, no!
    Someone made a comment on your FB page you are living in faith. You have leaped into faith, so let it guide you sister. It, your faith has been your guide for the past three years and everything has turned out. So just go with it and let it lead you where God wants you.
    I envy you so much, I am not saying you're not a bundle of nerves with all the "details" and yes, like you I would want my H.C. to help me figure it all out, but something tells me there will be someone who help you figure it all out and the next you will know how to do it again!
