Monday, January 9, 2012

January 9, 2012

Today HC Baker would have been 65 years old.  I'm sure we would have laughed about this all day long.  How many times in our lives did we think of 65 and say WOW, that's old.  And now here we are.  (I'll be 65 in June and cannot believe I just put that in print!!!)  HC always referred to me as his much younger wife.  I miss him so much.

Today I'm remembering how we "re-met".  You know we went to high school together, then our separate ways to college, then married other people, then divorced, and that was that.  Both of us were back living in Louisville and I had my girls, Libby and Emily, and was teaching ballet.  HC was a manufacturer's rep selling sporting goods (what else?).  It was the week before Christmas and I ran into what is now Target on Westport Road.  (Then is was called Ayr-Way.  Who remembers that?)  Just outside the front door I literally ran into HC Baker as he was coming out of the store.  We both laughed and resumed what had been a wonderful high school friendship.  At the close of the conversation he said to me, "Tell your husband Merry Christmas" and I said "I don't have a husband anymore".  Then I said, "Tell your wife Merry Christmas" and he said "I don't have a wife anymore".  (I swear this is the truth!)  Then we hugged and parted ways.  It wasn't until much later that HC told me what happened next.

As soon as he got to his car he realized he didn't know what my last name was.  He thought not a problem.  He'd just go by my parents home and talk to them.  My parents had moved!  Then he was trying to remember what my father's first name was so he could call.  No luck there either.  He did remember a very dear friend of mine and went in search of her.  (When HC Baker was just out of college, he worked at Shillito's - anyone remember that store? - It is now Macy's in Oxmoor!!!)  My dear friend BWJ was the special events director there and HC went in search of her.  He found her and she provided him my name and address.  At that time, in addition to teaching ballet, I was also the choreographer for musicals at a local high school. Sunday afternoon I was at the high school in rehearsal when I looked out to the audience and saw HC Baker sitting there.  He had called my home, was told where I was and Surprise! - here he was.  So began our "dating" relationship.  That in itself was very 2 daughters...Oh my!  And that was nearly 40 years ago.

I wonder what kind of celebration he's having today?  (I bet there's a celebration every day!)

Happy Birthday HC Baker!


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