Sunday, January 1, 2012

Jan 1, 2012

Snow started falling about 10:30 this morning and has continued all day long.  It's supposed to snow all night and tomorrow too.  The final accumulation is estimated at 10-12 inches.  Today's high temperature was 18 and the lake is beginning to freeze.  Right now it looks like a bunch of floating icebergs, but it won't take long for those icebergs to connect.  Then the ice fishermen will haul their "shanty" (they look like an out-house) out on the lake, drill a hole and start ice fishing.  Too scary for me!  And some people ride their snowmobiles across the frozen lake.  Also, too scary for me!

Had a great evening last night.  TR and I entertained Emily, Brett, Garrett, and Gracie.  We had a wonderful New Year's Eve celebration with champagne, hors d'oeuvres, dinner with hats and horns (nix to the horns next year!!), and a yummy dessert!  Gracie and I dressed in what we call our "la-di-da" clothes!  Might be that nothing matches but everything has either sequins, fur, feathers, ruffles or bows or any combination of the afore mentioned.  We matched pretty well!  Later in the evening they went home and TR went to a party.  I was in bed reading and probably asleep before midnight!

This Christmas season has been easier than last year but I still "slump" from time to time.  HC would so love to be with Daniel, Hannah, Isaac, Adam, Garrett and Gracie and see them growing.  The older 4 are incredible young adults and the younger 2 are developing fabulous personalities.  He would enjoy being with Libby, Emily and Brett and TR too.  Oh how they miss him!  We're all on our own with the cooking questions.  I call Libby and Emily and I don't know who they call!  But we've all made it.  There are holes in my heart but I'm filling them with new adventures and the children and grand children are very much a part of that.

I read so many Happy New Year greetings in my e-mails and on FB and love to know how everyone is doing and the love and laughter in their homes.  Some friends are having their first "married" Christmas.  Some are enjoying Christmas with a child home from college for the first time.  Some are smiling as one their children becomes engaged.  Some have a new baby to add to the celebration.  Some have had exceptional accomplishments in the past year.  Some have had exceptional trips in the past year.  Some have overcome huge obstacles and others have completed unexpected medical journeys.  And some of you had the same old Christmas vacation you've experienced many times before.  Aren't you blessed?  Whatever your Christmas has been, it will be remembered for years to come.            

Remember (for those who are old enough) when we were afraid of the year 1984 because of George Orwell's book?  Your thoughts today about "Big Brother"?????  Remember when we wondered "what" would happen when 1999 became 2000?  And here we are at the beginning of 2012!  WOW!  A friend of mine told me she remembered when her father turned 70 and how old she thought that was.  Guess what birthday she will have in 2012?  And this is the first day of the second full year I am a widow.  I'm not sure what 2012 has in store for me, but I do know I have so many beautiful memories in my heart and mind and no year will ever take that away.

Happy New Year to all and I pray each of you will have a blessed, healthy, safe, and happy 2012.  Wipe the slate clean.  Here we come again!          

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