Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Annual Exams!

A couple of weeks ago on the same day I received 2 postcards in the mail for annual physical exams.  One was for Nutty, my dog, and the other was for me.  (It appears Medicare requires an annual physical!  Who knew?)  So I made the requested appointments.  Yesterday was Nutty's annual exam and today was mine.

Dr. Heidi said Nutty is doing great.  She and I will celebrate our one year adoption anniversary in a few weeks.  She has gained a little weight but needed to.  She has been diagnosed with allergies which I suspected.  I left her appointment with 2 prescriptions for two different pills twice a day, a year's supply of heart worm meds, a years supply of flea and tick meds, a "mousse" to apply to any itching areas, and she received two shots.
The bill was $432.47!

Dr. Everett said I am doing great too!  Blood pressure and cholesterol perfect, pulse nice and even, no heart issues, eye and hearing tests passed with flying colors, and I also received two shots - one for pneumonia and the other was a tetanus booster (go figure!).
The bill was "0"!!!!!

The moral of this story - Nutty's gotta' get a job!

The last few days have been beautiful!  The temperatures are right around 70 and the sun is outstanding!  Today I even saw a few boats on the lake.  No swimmers yet though because the water temperature is right around 56.  Chilly!!!!!!

I am excited and looking forward to welcoming my nephew, Trey and his family, Michelle and Christian, for a visit.  They arrive Friday evening and have never been here before.  One of Trey's all-time favorite movies is, guess what?, "Somewhere in Time".  So guess where we'll be going during their visit?  The island!  (My second time this summer already!)  And they do plan to swim...and catch pneumonia!  Hope they bring their sweatshirts!  TR Baker has built us a fire pit in the front yard so I guess we'll be warming up by the fire!  And I have the three very special summer snack ingredients, graham crackers, marshmallows, and hershey bars!!!!  I'm ready.  Safe travels to them as they head north Friday morning.

And safe travels to all of you as you eagerly head toward your perfect summer destination!  Make plenty of memories!


Please continue to pray for my friend "C" and her grandson "E" and his family.  Tough weekend ahead.  


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