Monday, June 10, 2013

Rainy days and Mondays...

My dear friends, Jack, Lou and Anita, left yesterday morning and arrived safely back in Louisville.  I absolutely love to have guests but the moment they leave, I miss them!  We had a wonderful visit with lots of talking and laughing and talking some more!  For all of you out there in Louisville-land, I've been "caught up" on all your doings.  Some of you need to slow down and others of you need to speed up!  But most of you are just right!

Today is a hard one for me.  I know all the paperwork says HC Baker died on June 11th but our accident occurred near midnight on this date and I know he was dead instantly.  So today begins my week of memory.

On June 10, 2010, I went to work just like any other day but had excitement in my heart because I knew we'd be leaving later for a much needed get-away at our cottage in Indian River.  For most of 2009 and early 2010, we had been involved in a life challenge like no other I'd ever experienced.  Although HC Baker was continuing to recover from the heart surgeries, he knew he would never again be able to work on a disaster relief mission or a youth mission trip.  We talked about this often trying to discover new ways for HC's gifts to be utilized.  (I did most of the talking in my effort to lift his spirits.  He remained pretty glum.)  But our blue cottage was just hours away and I had incredible faith this trip was going to reveal to him his future.  And then it happened, in a blinding thunderstorm, in the dark of night, spinning and rolling, he found his future.  I never cried hysterically, sobbed uncontrollably, or ranted and raved "why"!  I knew he was exactly where he'd wanted to be, where he'd prayed to be, where he could be whole again and be re-united with so many who had gone before, especially his Lord and Savior.  He was happy.

Jack, Lou, Anita and I talked a lot about him this weekend.  Jack told stories (imagine that!) and we laughed and laughed.  I had forgotten about the time HC Baker found a "peel and stick" kotex (yes, kotex) and peeled it and stuck it to his forehead!  And this was in public!!!!!  (That's a story for another time!)  Memories are what life is about.  They remind us of the moments in our life that made a difference.  Good or bad, they put their arms around us and keep us warm.

Blessings to each of you today for being a part of my memories and keeping me warm.  xxoo

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