Monday, October 31, 2011

A Quiet Day

Today Emily, Grace and I are planning our trip to Louisville tomorrow morning and Brett and Garrett have headed back to Grayling to empty the car.  (The car is "totaled" and will be left there.)  Emily and the children plan to stay for several weeks and Brett will join us for the weekend.  We have decided to have visitation Friday evening at our church with the memorial service on Saturday morning.  I have already discussed this with the church staff and we plan to meet with them Tuesday afternoon to finalize the arrangements.

NOTE - Since HC was cremated in Grayling, I decided to not have a Louisville funeral home in charge of the details.  Only much later did I once again realize the burden I put on the church staff.  I elected to put them in charge.  My apologies to all of them and love from deep in my heart for all their hard work, patience, understanding and support.

Continued making and receiving phone calls.  What a blessing!  What in the world do people do without wonderful christian friends and more importantly, without the love of the Lord in their hearts?  Late afternoon, Brett and Garrett return and we began to sort through our belongings.  I had forgotten what I brought and had no idea what HC brought.  As usual, HC had quite a few fishing rods and artificial bait (enough for several people).  Some of our bags were full of broken glass, some were empty, and in others, Brett had put all the things that were loose.  I finally had my cell phone (with 52 messages), my glasses, my handbag, shoes (I lost the ones I was wearing at the time of the accident and had been wearing Emily's) and my make-up!!!!!!!  Physically I could become the Jo Ann most people recognized.  If anyone had been able to see inside me, it was a totally different story.  It felt like a huge, speeding ferris wheel, and it kept taking me to the very top and rolling me over.

Emily told me several days later that Brett had taken photos of the car and when I wanted to, I could see them.  To this day, I have not done that.  Brett also has all the paperwork about the accident, HC's injuries, and coroner's report.  He still has it in his files.  He's another one I took full advantage of and he never stopped "doing" for me.

I have called Libby and TR and told them we should arrive in Louisville by dinner time Monday evening.  I said I would call when we were 30 minutes out and they could meet us at home.  Home...what will that be like?  Home without HC Baker?  I'm in charge.  I have to make the decisions.  I have to answer the questions.  In all our years of marriage, I had chosen to let HC Baker do all those things.  He was a control freak and I didn't care.  I'll discover later what a mistake that was.

In the morning we'll leave for Louisville.  I'm eager to get home.  As many of you know, HC Baker was larger than life.  I want to get back home so I can feel him around me and see him in the kitchen.  Another question...who's gonna' do the cooking?              


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