Wednesday, December 7, 2011


I'm sending a HUGE thank you to my "amen chorus".  You all got me goin' and the big tree is decorated.  It looks fantastic!  And I probably gained 50 pounds because I ate the whole bag of peanut butter oreos!  (And it was a new bag...I opened it, ate it all and then threw away the evidence!!!)

The Store House of Joy - to be added to in times of plenty and to be taken from in times of need.  HCB/'98

In good conversation, we enter another person's world.  HCB/'01

The high temperature here today was 23 and that's cold.  It snowed most of the afternoon but the wind was blowing so hard there wasn't much accumulation.  They are forecasting snow for the next 4 days.  I understand it snowed in Louisville today too.  You might as well come and visit me.  The weather's the same!

I know I have workers all over my first floor but today I made a decision and have started my own project.  There was a coat closet just inside the back door.  I decided to make that closet a pantry.  I emptied it then used the electric screwdriver to remove the hanging bar and 5 hooks.  I went to the "DoItCenter" (kinda like your neighborhood hardware store only I had to drive to the next town) and bought 12 brackets and 4 shelves.  I have just completed applying the first coat of paint to the walls and ceiling.  As soon as it's dry (or close to it) I will give it another coat of paint.  Then, drum roll please, I am going to attach the brackets to the wall, attach the shelves to the brackets, and load it up with all the food on the dining room table!!!!!!  Can't wait and plan to have this done before I go to bed tonight.  Getting a new refrigerator tomorrow so I'm very close to organizing my kitchen.  Praise the Lord!!!!

Life does go on regardless of whatever is happening all around you.
Just when you think you have control of your life there's a speed bump.
Prayer can always save your day.
There is nothing better than good friends, and I am blessed to have many!

I keep a list of those people and things I'm praying for and today each one of you is on it.  And I love to picture you as I pray.  Most of the images are you smiling and having a good time.  In some of the images I see pain in your eyes because of a burden you are carrying right now.  If you've done all you can, let the burden go.  Often there are more ahead.  It's what makes us wiser and gives us a clearer vision.  Remember that phrase - Today is the first day of the rest of your life?  It is.        


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