Tuesday, December 13, 2011


For all the years I was married to HC Baker, the only pillows we had were the ones you put your head on when you went to bed.  Now there was a reason for that.  HC Baker had no respect for any other kind of pillow.  I tried early on in our marriage to decorate with a pillow or two here and there but they never lasted.  HC thought every pillow was a pillow for his head!  I would get so angry and explain to him these special pillows are for "pretty"!!!!  He always said he thought they were pretty and would immediately fold it in half and put it under his neck.  I quit buying pillows.

Well, guess what?  Since he died I have filled every piece of furniture with pillows.  I love pillows and there are some beautiful ones out there.  I needed a good dose of shopping today so I drove to Gaylord.  It's about 40 minutes south of me.  There's a quaint downtown with a few specialty shops and 2 antique malls (small compared to any in Louisville), an adorable shop called Gallery 3 owned by 3 young women who re-purpose your furniture (everything's wonderful), and out in the "burbs", there's a TJ Max!!!!!!  (They also have WalMart, Lowe's, the orange box store I hate, Kohl's, Hobby Lobby, Meijers (sp?), Big Lots (always a hoot!), and they even have a GFS!!!)  Anyway, I went to TJ Max because I love their home stuff, and I came home with 3 new pillows.  (plus 3 Christmas presents for ME!!!!!)

My favorite of the new pillows is a Christmas pillow, rectangle in shape, background in light blue, fringed on the long ends, lots of buttons and beads, and in letters across the front is says B E L I E V E.  I loved the way it looked but most important, I loved the way it made me feel.  It's at Christmastime when the word believe appears a lot.  The other night I watched The Polar Express and "believe" was at the heart of the movie.  But that's not the "believe" I think about at Christmastime.  When we believe that the Savior of the world was born in that stable, our lives are blessed forever.  But take a moment and think about the others who were blessed when they believed - Mary, Joseph (he had some big believin' to do!), Elizabeth, Zechariah, the shepherds, the kings, and on and on.  A quick check on the internet revealed that in the New Testament of the King James version, the word believe is used 124 times.  If there was a contest to see who could quote a bible verse the quickest with the word believe in it how fast could you do it?  What is one of the first bible verses we memorized?  It's a Christmas verse, it's an Easter verse, it's an every day verse.  John 3:16 - Pray it now.      

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