Monday, November 28, 2011

Books of Life

Not a day goes by that I don't think of HC Baker.  Different things trigger those moments.  Today I was determined to empty the boxes of books from our Louisville home and Witt Cottage and put them in the bookshelves in the den.  HC and I loved books and we were always reading.  I remember one night I was reading a book called "The Sweet Potato Queens".  (If you haven't read it, you must.  It is about southern women and it is hilarious!)  We were both reading in bed and I was laughing so hard HC finally asked what was so funny?  I read him several very colorful paragraphs about husbands and wives and he rolled over, turned out his light and went to sleep.  He didn't think it was near as funny as I did!

Anyway, when he died, I gave away so many of our books.  I had read them and thought others would enjoy reading them too.  I invited friends to come over and take what they wanted.  HC also must have had 30 Bibles.  I was so happy to give them to Seyoung and Euisoon Kang for the wonderful work they do in their very special ministry.  HC loved them both as well as their son, Dongyon.  When Dongyon returned to Korea for his military obligation, HC and Jack Fox took him to the airport for his departure.  They promised they would pick him up when he returned.  Jack will need a new partner for that return trip!

What books I packed have very special meaning.  Today as I touched each one, I had to stop and read a few pages.  Many of them are autographed by authors we are privileged to know (and a few we don't know!)  There's a book about reconciliation by Harvey Thomas.  HC loved to be with Harvey and listen to his stories.  (I think they compared stories to see who had the most outrageous experiences.)  There are several books by Joyce Martin.  One of my favorites is about the mission work in the coal mines of eastern Kentucky.  And you know what?  Last fall when I arrived in Michigan I needed a flu shot.  I made an appointment with the local doctor in town and went to meet him.  His name is Dr. John Everett and his grandparents lived in the mountains of eastern Kentucky where he spent many summers.  He is a very committed christian and I loaned him the book to read.  He loved it!  Another favorite of mine is Walking with Moses talking with God by Cinda King.  I can hold the book in my hands and sense Cinda's sweet spirit.  There's a wonderful book of poetry about the beautiful things of life by Holly Collins.  Reading her words warms your heart.  Have you read A Pearl in the Storm by Tori Murden McClure?  Tori is the first woman to ROW across the Atlantic Ocean and now she's the president of Spalding University.  And one of my very favorites is Crossing Troublesome, a compilation of writings by authors who have attended the Appalachian Writers Workshop in the past 25 years.  Lastly I'll mention Christmas Miracles written by somebody I don't know but given to us by Jack and Lou Fox with a "love" note written inside the front cover.

Books are an important part of my life.  I have some books I have read repeatedly because they speak to me over and over again.  I needed those books today.  Not so much the words but the connections.  HC was a wonderful writer and soon I will share with you some of his written words.  His daily journal entries of his trip to India will touch your heart.  Because we are beginning the Advent season, I'll close with one of HC's favorite series of words.

"When we begin to lose hope, we need to know that our friends are holding it for us until we can carry it again ourselves."  This is the season of hope isn't it?                

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