Friday, November 11, 2011

What am I doing?

It's been 7 weeks since HC Baker died.  Bagged and tagged, sold the 3rd Street house, yard "sailed", sold the Barrington Court house, mailed what seems like thousands of death certificates and I must be honest and tell you I've also screamed over the telephone at people I don't know and told them they were stupid...and then hung up!  HOW'S THAT?

Funny story...
LG&E seems to be particularly stupid.  They have questions about the death certificate!!!!  (Like I forged it, it's for somebody else, I made it up, or maybe this is all a joke?  Are my expectations set so high?)  And just for my own entertainment, I write down everything about these phone calls I make, dates, times, name of person I speak with and what they say.  I also note how many times I am transferred and how long I am on hold (a staggering amount of time!!!).  After 8 phone calls and as many people over several days, I pack a lunch for 2, take all my papers in a rather large box and drive down to the main LG&E office on West Broadway.  I stand in line for 28 minutes and finally am called to speak with a person (?).  And none of these little offices are private, they're more like cubby holes!  I walk up to this person (?) and drop the box on their desk.  I open the lunch bag, produce 2 sandwiches and sodas and tell her I'm not leaving until she has this figured out.  Everyone behind me in line heard every word I said and they applauded!!!!  And then I took a bow!!!!  Do you think I have their attention now?  While this person (?) searched her computer to verify my notes, I ate my lunch.  I had barely taken the last bite when I was told the matter was settled and I would not hear from them again.  I said thank you and left!  (Left the 2nd lunch too!)    

All of my children and grandchildren and sisters and friends have been so kind and patient with me.  I know many of them have got to be so sick of me.  I feel like the weakest, dumbest person in the world.  How did I live in such blissful ignorance for so many years?  And what was HC thinking to not tell me where stuff is and teach me how to do stuff?  I am so angry with him.  It's a good thing he's dead or we'd be having an argument!  (Did I just say that?)  In this stage of my life I think and say a lot of things I probably shouldn't.

Here's where I am now.  I'm very nearly homeless so what shall I do?  We (HC and me - how long do I continue to say "we"?) only have one place left and it's really my favorite, our (?) little blue cottage in northern Michigan.  I do love it there, but then again I've never "wintered" there!  There's a closing date set for the Barrington Court house so I've got to get out.

One thing HC Baker and I NEVER agreed on was making decisions.  HC would absolutely wear an idea (and me) out before he would decide what to do.  He would research, ask everyone who might have had experience with whatever he was considering, think, think and think some more.  Ask me to make a decision and give me 5 seconds!  Done!  The question currently before me is where am I going to live?  I have 2 choices, buy another place or go to the cottage.  And since I'm not real sure who I am and what I'm supposed to do, I figure I'd best not mix another unknown into this recipe so I'm going to Michigan.  Now I just have to tell everyone.  That will be the hard part.          

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